Saturday, January 31, 2009

Morrisville battle Summary

My battle was mostly fought on the floor but I changed the outcome of the game by deep striking terminators on the table. The objectives were done a little differently than in other Apocalypse games I have played in. At the end of each turn who controlled what objective was tallied up and the winner was determined by which side held the most objectives over the course of the game. I have heard many people complain that the winner of an apocalypse battle is usually the side to go last because they get to make the last play for the objectives. By tallying up objectives each turn I believe it keeps the game more engaging, because if you set back and wait to snatch the objectives on the last turn you will lose the game. It makes seizing and holding the objectives over the course of the game more important than ever.
I believe my forces did exceptionally well. The plaguetowers and plaguemarines held the walls and took a lot of punishment that could have been placed on more important target. The vindicators held the gates and contributed to the fight. The Doombringer force landed on the objective with no mishaps and the ones that scattered ended up in better positions than where I had intended them to go. the independant Terminator squads managed to knock the gun off of one warhound and best of all despoil an objective in the the imperial rear on turn 3. This cost the imperials two objectives one for turn 3 and once for turn 4. Last was Mortarion. He weighted in at 650 points but dropped a 1500pt Reaver titan and claimed Fulgrims objective. The final score was 10 to 12 with Chaos winning the game by 2 objectives.
Matt's painted standard to be able to field a model in the game motivated me to get some paint on the plague towers and basecoat all those terminators.

It was a hell of a game and I look forward to the next one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next time you guys do an Apoc game on the floor you ought to get some dry ice going to have mists floating over the field of battle...